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 ADCからのお知らせ/Information from ADC No.1015(2020/11/16)

Restricted operation of open-use computer room (Subaru Building 1F)

Dear ADC users,

ADC and Subaru will re-start the restricted operation of the open-use room (Subaru building 1F) where the computer terminals are located on November 18th Wednesday. Those who visit the room should follow the instructions and take sufficient prevention measures against the infection. You can find additional information in the web page below:

緊急事態宣言以降閉鎖していた計算機共同利用室(国立天文台すばる棟1階)の 部分運用(人数、曜日等制限有り)を11月18日(水)より開始する予定です。利 用される方は注意書きに従い、十分な感染予防対策をお願いします。詳細は下記 Webページをご覧下さい。


[Where, When, and How many people can enter]
- Only the open-use room on the first floor of the Subaru Building
- Open from 13:00 to 17:00 JST on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday since November 18th.
- The maximum number of simultaneous users is 3

- Reservation by e-mail is highly recommended during the period of the restricted operation ( Depending on the reservation status, it may be available to use the room without prior reservation.

[Available computers and peripherals]
- Three computer terminals and A3/A4 printer are available. Large format printers (A0/B0) are NOT available. Visit this site if you need large format printing (for those who has NAOJ affiliation):

[When entering the room]
- You cannot enter the room if any of the following conditions met:

 - Body temperature is over 37.5 degrees Celsius
 - Showing any of COVID-19 symptoms
 - People who have had the above symptoms, contacted with infected people, or returning to or entering Japan within the last two weeks

- Visitors need to be measured their body temperature at the guard station at the time of admission. Admission is not allowed if the body temperature is over 37.5 degrees Celsius
- ADC operator will measure your body temperature before entering the room for confirmation.
- Wash hands with soap for at least 20 seconds or use alcohol-based hands sanitizer just before entering the room
- Fill in personal information such as contact address on the check sheet at the entrance. Be sure to bring writing utensils.


・利用人数に制限があるため利用は原則メールによる事前予約制とします ( reservation_j.html)。予約状況によっては事前予約がなくても当日利用可能な 場合があります。

・端末WS最大3台とレーザープリンター(A3/A4)のみ利用可能です。大判プリンタ A0/B0は利用できません。(台内向けメール:大判印刷の希望はこちら:https: //

・次のいずれかの症状を持つ方・状況の方は共同利用室をご利用できません(入 室できません)。
 - 発熱(37.5度以上)のある方
 - 新型コロナウイルス感染症様の症状がある方(味覚・嗅覚の異常、頭痛、 咳・喉の痛み、倦怠感 など)
 - 過去2週間以内に上記の症状、感染者との濃厚接触、或いは、帰国・入国さ れた方
・台外の方は、入構時に守衛所において検温があります。37.5度以上の場合は入 構できません。
・共同利用室への入室時にも非接触型体温計で検温させて頂きます(37.5度未満 は入室可能)。
・入室直前に石鹸で十分に手を洗うか、入室直後備え付けの消毒液で手の消毒を 実施してください。
・入室時にチェックシートに連絡先等の個人情報を記入して頂きます。必ず筆記 用具を持参してください。

Thank you for your cooperation.

Astronomy Data Center