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Usage of MCSRED after the installation of MCSRED2 (2017 Oct 2)の変更点

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!!!Usage of MCSRED/MCSRED2 after the installation of MCSRED2 (2017 Oct 2)
!!!Usage of MCSRED after the installation of MCSRED2 (2017 Oct 2)
{{category All of Data Analysis System(Servers and Terminals)}}
{{category Data analysis servers(anam* and anah*)}}
{{category Terminal Workstations(alws* and sbws*)}}
{{category Batch processing analysis servers(bapm* and baph*)}}

Date: 2017/Sep/21

MCSRED2 (version 2017-05-15) is installed on 2017/Oct/02.
We report some points to be careful of when using the latest and/or old
versions of MCSRED.

- Users who have used MCSRED before 2017/Oct/02

MCSRED2 is called by default after 2017/Oct/02. 
If you have used the old version of MCSRED (20120515, 20130520, 20141205), 
we recommend that you should unlearn the task mcsred once after you 
start IRAF.
 cl> unlearn mcsred

- Users who want to use MCSRED2

We recommend that you should use MCSRED with IRAF version 2.16 or later, 
which is used to develop the software.
By default, IRAF version 2.14.1 is called on anam[11-16] and anah[08-10].
To call IRAF 2.16 or later on above severs, please refer to ["9 IRAF" on "The Users Guide Sec."|].
To call IRAF 2.16 or later on above severs, please refer to ["9 IRAF" on "The Users Guide Sec."|].

- Users who want to use the old version of MCSRED (20120515, 20130520, 20141205)

You can use the old versions of MCSRED.
Please follow the two steps in order to use the old version:
 1. Modify the file in your working directory

   task $mcsred = /usr/local/subaru/MCSRED2/
   set dir_mcsred = "/usr/local/subaru/MCSRED2/"

  (After, 20120515)
   task $mcsred = /usr/local/subaru/MCSRED20120515/
   set dir_mcsred = "/usr/local/subaru/MCSRED20120515/"

  (After, 20130520)
   task $mcsred = /usr/local/subaru/MCSRED20130520/
   set dir_mcsred = "/usr/local/subaru/MCSRED20130520/"

  (After, 20141205)
   task $mcsred = /usr/local/subaru/MCSRED/
   set dir_mcsred = "/usr/local/subaru/MCSRED/"

 2. Modify the configuration file(s) of sh/csh

  [sh, bash] Add the next line to the end of the two files, 
        ~/.bashrc and ~/.bash_profile
   export MCSRED_DIR=/usr/local/subaru/MCSRED20120515
  [csh, tcsh] Add the next line to the end of the ~/.cshrc file
   setenv MCSRED_DIR /usr/local/subaru/MCSRED20120515

  [sh, bash] Add the next line to the end of the two files, 
        ~/.bashrc and ~/.bash_profile
   export MCSRED_DIR=/usr/local/subaru/MCSRED20130520
  [csh, tcsh] Add the next line to the end of the ~/.cshrc file
   setenv MCSRED_DIR /usr/local/subaru/MCSRED20130520

  [sh, bash] Add the next line to the end of the two files, 
        ~/.bashrc and ~/.bash_profile
   export MCSRED_DIR=/usr/local/subaru/MCSRED
  [csh, tcsh] Add the next line to the end of the ~/.cshrc file
   setenv MCSRED_DIR /usr/local/subaru/MCSRED