!!!Unavailable servers and services from the Terminal Workstations {{category All of Data Analysis System(Servers and Terminals)}} {{category Terminal Workstations(alws* and sbws*)}} {{category Network}} The access control was implemented in following terminal workstations on the maintenance of Octorber (October 7).  Terminal Workstations:   open-use room at Subaru building    sbws[01-12],sbwsac02  open-use room at ALMA building    alws0[1-8],alwsac02  New Rule:   Close all connections to servers inside NAOJ.   (except for available services: see below for detail). You can not access any servers inside NAOJ from the terminal workstations except for available services. The details of available services are as follows. [Available] Public Web Service:  Example:   Subaru Telescope http://www.naoj.org/   Solar Data Analysis System http://hinode.nao.ac.jp/SDAS/index_e.shtml   ALMA http://alma.mtk.nao.ac.jp/e/   ADC https://www.adc.nao.ac.jp/E/index-e.htm   Mitaka Library (NAOJ) http://library.nao.ac.jp/Lib-e.html Data Archives Service:  Example:   SMOKA http://smoka.nao.ac.jp/  MASTARS https://stars2.naoj.hawaii.edu/  NRO Data Base http://nrodb.mtk.nao.ac.jp/ SSH Service:  Example:   MASTARS mtkda.rem.subaru.nao.ac.jp   Solar Data Analysis System sagami.mtk.nao.ac.jp,suruga.mtk.nao.ac.jp In addition, staff of NAOJ can use mail service for staff from the terminal workstations. The rule of access to outside NAOJ (Web,ssh,ftp,etc.) is not changed (under control of NAOJ network switch).