{{search}} !!!This is FAQ page on the Old system (2013-2017). [Back to ADC Web|https://www.adc.nao.ac.jp/E/index-e.htm] [FAQ on the new system (since 2018)|https://www.adc.nao.ac.jp/cgi-bin/cfw/wiki.cgi/FAQ/FAQE] ---- !!!FAQ *{{category All of Data Analysis System(Servers and Terminals)}} *{{category Data analysis servers(anam* and anah*)}} *{{category Terminal Workstations(alws* and sbws*)}} *{{category Batch processing analysis servers(bapm* and baph*)}} *{{category VPN}} *{{category Open-use terminals(new-r*)}} *{{category Open-use PCs(Windows and Mac)}} *{{category Printers}} *{{category Peripheral devices}} *{{category Network}} *{{category Others}} !!!Update {{recentdays 5,v}}