!!! How to use AIPS on Data Analysis System {{category All of Data Analysis System(Servers and Terminals)}} {{category Data analysis servers(anam* and anah*)}} {{category Terminal Workstations(alws* and sbws*)}} * AIPS 31DEC15 is available after a maintenance Sep 2015. We explain "How to use AIPS" on the data analysis system. - The default setting is the configuration of AIPS 31DEC15. 31DEC12 is available after loading the configuration file (/usr/local/aips-31DEC12/LOGIN.[sh, csh]). - You should enter "aips TV=local:0" command when executing AIPS. If you enter "aips tv=local", TV server window of AIPS does not open. - "User Data Areas" of 31DEC15 is set at "/var/lib/aips-31DEC15/DATA/LOCALHOST_1". The area of 31DEC12 is not changed (/var/lib/aips/DATA/LOCALHOST_1).