!!!Connect to the MDAS analysis server with VNC {{category Data analysis servers(kaim* & kaih*)}} Here are the standard steps to connect to the MDAS with VNC. 1. Login to an MDAS analysis server (kaiXXX) with SSH and start a vncserver process.  $ vncserver 2. Check the display number of the VNC for you and the analysis server name (kaiXXX) you have logged in. The display number (:n) can be seen with the following command.  $ vncserver -list 3. Start the VNC client (VNC Viewer) on your machine (PC) and specify the analysis server name and display number you want to connect to. e.g. to connect to kaim10 with display #2  kaim10.ana.nao.ac.jp:2  or  kaim10.ana.nao.ac.jp:5902 4. When you finish using VNC, logout on the MDAS desktop screen. The vncserver process will be automatically terminated. If you close the VNC client window without logging out, kill your vncserver process on the MDAS analysis server.  vncserver -kill [Display number]  e.g.$ vncserver -kill :2