!!!Unavailable servers and services from the analysis servres {{category Data analysis servers(kaim* & kaih*)}}{{category MDAS terminals(sbt* & alt*)}}{{category Network}} The network access control has been implemented to the analysis servers (kaim* and kaih*). You cannot login to other servers inside NAOJ from the analysis servers. You cannot also access web pages inside NAOJ from the servers (it will be "Timeout"). The web pages and services opened to outside NAOJ are available as before. [NOTE] If you would like to copy your data in the analysis servers (kaim* and kaih*) to your computer inside NOAJ, please see the followings. Example: **Not possible @kaim01: scp -r /lfs01/hogehoge fugafuga@[server inside NAOJ]:~ **Possible @(server inside NAOJ): scp -r hogehoge@kaim01.ana.nao.ac.jp:/lfs01/hogehoge . You are able to copy your data in kaim* and kaih* to your computer outside NAOJ.