

全論文数 27

Size Distribution of Main-Belt Asteroids with High InclinationTerai, T. et al.201104PASJ63335-346SMOKA
Lyα emitters at z= 6.5 in the SSA22 field: an area more neutral or void at the end of the re-ionization epochNakamura, E. et al.201104MNRAS4122579-2586SMOKA
High luminosity, slow ejecta and persistent carbon lines: SN 2009dc challenges thermonuclear explosion scenariosTaubenberger, S. et al.201104MNRAS4122735-2762SMOKA
A weak-lensing analysis of the Abell 383 clusterHuang, Z. et al.201105A&A529A93SMOKA
The first spectroscopically confirmed Mira star in M33Barsukova, E. A. et al.201105MNRAS4131797-1802SMOKA
A Weak Lensing Detection of the Cosmological Distance-Redshift Relation Behind Three Massive ClustersMedezinski, E. et al.201105MNRAS4141840-1850SMOKA
Star-forming Cloud Complexes in the Central Molecular Zone of NGC 253Sakamoto et al.201107ApJ73519KAISEKI
The Star-formation-rate-Density Relation at 0.6 < z < 0.9 and the Role of Star-forming GalaxiesPatel, S. G. et al.201107ApJ73553SMOKA
Narrowband Imaging of Escaping Lyman-continuum Emission in the SSA22 FieldNestor, D. B. et al.201107ApJ73618SMOKA
Physical Relation of Source I to IRc2 in the Orion KL RegionOkumura, S. et al.201108PASJ63823-834SMOKA
Detection of an ultrabright submillimetre galaxy in the Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Field using AzTEC/ASTEIkarashi, S. et al.201108MNRAS4153081-3096SMOKA
Global properties of 'ordinary' early-type galaxies: photometry and spectroscopy of stars and globular clusters in NGC 4494Foster, C. et al.201108MNRAS4153393-3416SMOKA
Structure and Population of the NGC 55 Stellar Halo from A Subaru/Suprime-Cam SurveyTanaka, M. et al.201109ApJ738150KAISEKI
Star Formation Rates and Stellar Masses of Hα Selected Star-forming Galaxies at z = 0.84: A Quantification of the DownsizingVillar, V. et al.201109ApJ74047SMOKA
Infrared Search for Young Brown Dwarf Companions around Young Stellar Objects in the rho Ophiucus Molecular Cloud and the Serpens Molecular CloudShirono, C. et al.201110PASJ631071-1077SMOKA
Subaru Weak-lensing Study of A2163: Bimodal Mass StructureOkabe, N. et al.201110ApJ741116 (13pp)SMOKA
Further Observations of the Tilted Planet XO-3: A New Determination of Spin-Orbit Misalignment, and Limits on Differential RotationHirano, T. et al.201110PASJ63L57-L61共同利用計算機
XO-2b: a Prograde Planet with Negligible Eccentricity and an Additional Radial Velocity VariationNarita, N. et al.201110PASJ63L67-L71共同利用計算機
Improved Modeling of the Rossiter-McLaughlin Effect for Transiting ExoplanetsHirano, T. et al.201111ApJ74269 (16pp)共同利用計算機
Internal dynamics of Abell 2254: a merging galaxy cluster with a clumpy, diffuse radio emissionGirardi, M. et al.201112A&A536A89-A93SMOKA
Weak-lensing Results for the Merging Cluster A1758Ragozzine, B., et al.201112ApJ74494 (9pp)SMOKA
The effects of dust on the optical and infrared evolution of SN 2004etFabbri, J. et al.201112MNRAS4181285-1307SMOKA
SN 2009E: a faint clone of SN 1987APastorello, A. et al.201201A&A537A141-A145SMOKA
Modelling the optical spectrum of Romano's starMaryeva, O. & Abolmasov, P.201201MNRAS4191455-1464SMOKA
Weak-lensing mass estimates of galaxy groups and the line-of-sight contaminationSpinelli, P. F. et al.201202MNRAS4201384-1404SMOKA
The Ongoing Assembly of a Central Cluster Galaxy: Phase-space Substructures in the Halo of M87Aaron J. R. et al.201203ApJ74829(23pp)SMOKA
Combined strong and weak lensing analysis of 28 clusters from the Sloan Giant Arcs SurveyOguri, M. et al.201203MNRAS4203213-3239SMOKA